be a guest blogger

If you have a touching or humorous story to share how God taught you a meaningful lesson as you parent your littles, please submit your story.

Non-bloggers: Please send your story in word format to:

Bloggers: Please copy and paste your HTML format from your blog and email it to me. It is just like when you write your own posts. Follow these steps...

1. Go to "Dashboard"
2. "New Post"
3. Write your post
4. Click "Save Now" (Do not click "Publish Post")
5. Copy the whole post(this is HTML format)
6. Paste in an email and send to

I'll paste it as new post on God Moments for Moms and publish. I will also include a link back to your personal blog so readers can visit you.

I will email you and let you know once it has been posted. Please let your readers know that you are a guest blogger on God Moments for Moms that day on your blog. What a wonderful way for mamas to connect with one another!

Please proof and title your post. You post will not be changed once it is submitted. You will receive email confirmation before your story is posted.

Thank you for sharing how God is working in your life!

Much love,