Hi Mama, Friends!
So I'm in the process of a lil' rearranging. God must be working on the flexibility thing because it certainly isn't my strength. :) I am going to stop posting on God Moments for Moms. However, I'm planning on creating a Link-Up on Minivan Diva. Please join me on Minivan Diva so we can continue hanging out together. It may not be in person, but hey, as busy mamas we have to take what we can get, right>?
I wish each of you a very Happy (early) Mother's Day!
Lots of love!
God Moments for Moms
A Place for Moms to Share with One Another
Friday, May 6, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
I Need Your Input Please
Hey there Mama friends!
I am kinda feeling at a loss for this blog and the direction God wants it to go. I had this "if you build it, they will come" with this. I literally felt God saying, "put this together, Katie."
I did it that day. And that was that. I had no idea where it would go.
I was envisioning a blog site where other moms would contribute how God is working in their lives. You know, short little stories that could encourage other moms. Nothing huge. A no pressure kind of thing.
My feeling was that God wanted me to create a writing community of moms. One where moms share and direct their readers to the blog so their readers could read the other posts and start to get to know other moms who are seeking God in the midst of their busy lives; hence the community.
However, to be totally honest, the response has been slow. Thank you to those of you who have contributed. Perhaps the community of writers gig isn't what people are looking for. And I didn't realize there is a blog called Faith Blogs until after I started this. That's okay. I just am trying to see how this blog can best be used to bless others.
I'll either continue to leave it open to guest bloggers or I'll just turn it into a section on my regular blog, minivan diva, where I will share how God is working in this crazy house of mine.
So if you have input, please let me know. Be honest. It won't hurt my feelings! Thanks!
Much love,
I am kinda feeling at a loss for this blog and the direction God wants it to go. I had this "if you build it, they will come" with this. I literally felt God saying, "put this together, Katie."
I did it that day. And that was that. I had no idea where it would go.
I was envisioning a blog site where other moms would contribute how God is working in their lives. You know, short little stories that could encourage other moms. Nothing huge. A no pressure kind of thing.
My feeling was that God wanted me to create a writing community of moms. One where moms share and direct their readers to the blog so their readers could read the other posts and start to get to know other moms who are seeking God in the midst of their busy lives; hence the community.
However, to be totally honest, the response has been slow. Thank you to those of you who have contributed. Perhaps the community of writers gig isn't what people are looking for. And I didn't realize there is a blog called Faith Blogs until after I started this. That's okay. I just am trying to see how this blog can best be used to bless others.
I'll either continue to leave it open to guest bloggers or I'll just turn it into a section on my regular blog, minivan diva, where I will share how God is working in this crazy house of mine.
So if you have input, please let me know. Be honest. It won't hurt my feelings! Thanks!
Much love,
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Comparison Game
As mothers, it is easy to get caught up in the game of comparison.
We compare our own children to each other in casual conversations with friends at the park: "Oh, Bobby started walking at 9 months, but my youngest Sarah started walking at 15 months. He always seems to be ahead of where she is."
Or you hear mothers comparing their children to other children:
Mommy 1: My daughter knew her ABC's at 2.
Mommy 2: Yeah, my son isn't there yet.
Mommy 1: Oh, I'm sure he'll get there (said with a twinge of satisfaction).
I hear it all the time. And there is not a doubt in my mind that I've played into it from time to time. It gets the best of us. Ugh.
Not only do I compare my kids to other kids, but I compare myself to other mamas all the time. I start to feel like I should be doing more. That I am not enough. Been there before?
It's that comparison bug. Once it starts it spreads quickly and is quite contagious.
In those moments when I feel insecure and doubtful of myself, I hear this speaking to my heart:
I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb...
Jeremiah 5:1
Then I am humbled by the fact that in God's eyes we are all equal. He doesn't compare me with my Martha-esque mommy friends. God isn't keeping score. He doesn't have a condemning "bad crafter" or "impatient" sign to put on my back. He isn't keeping a tally to see which kid poops on the potty first or memorizes multiplication facts first.
That's just stuff to God. He cares about our hearts.
Instead of complaining to God about all of insecurities, let us offer praise. Let us try to replace the negative self talk with praise. Praise for arms to hug our babes, legs to chase bubbles with littles, and ears to hear "I love you" throughout the day.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Much love,

We compare our own children to each other in casual conversations with friends at the park: "Oh, Bobby started walking at 9 months, but my youngest Sarah started walking at 15 months. He always seems to be ahead of where she is."
Or you hear mothers comparing their children to other children:
Mommy 1: My daughter knew her ABC's at 2.
Mommy 2: Yeah, my son isn't there yet.
Mommy 1: Oh, I'm sure he'll get there (said with a twinge of satisfaction).
I hear it all the time. And there is not a doubt in my mind that I've played into it from time to time. It gets the best of us. Ugh.
Not only do I compare my kids to other kids, but I compare myself to other mamas all the time. I start to feel like I should be doing more. That I am not enough. Been there before?
It's that comparison bug. Once it starts it spreads quickly and is quite contagious.
In those moments when I feel insecure and doubtful of myself, I hear this speaking to my heart:
I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb...
Jeremiah 5:1
Then I am humbled by the fact that in God's eyes we are all equal. He doesn't compare me with my Martha-esque mommy friends. God isn't keeping score. He doesn't have a condemning "bad crafter" or "impatient" sign to put on my back. He isn't keeping a tally to see which kid poops on the potty first or memorizes multiplication facts first.
That's just stuff to God. He cares about our hearts.
Instead of complaining to God about all of insecurities, let us offer praise. Let us try to replace the negative self talk with praise. Praise for arms to hug our babes, legs to chase bubbles with littles, and ears to hear "I love you" throughout the day.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Much love,

Sunday, April 24, 2011
As we were heading home from the Carlsbad 5000, we slowly stopped when we came around a corner and noticed flashing lights.
There was an ambulance and several police cars. We could see a man with nice dress shoes on strapped to the stretcher inside.
I always feel so sad when we pass accidents. It amazes me how quickly things like that can happen. I was in a car accident about 10 years ago and I still can't believe how it seemed to happen in an instant. It is crazy how one second you are on your way to your destination and the next you are in an ambulance.
I said to the boys, "you know, when I pass an accident, I say a silent prayer and ask God to protect the people involved in the accident."
My oldest, Luke (8) who does not speak about his faith often with us said, "I do that too. Like when I am playing with my Legos and I can't find a piece, I pray and when I open my eyes, I find it."

I love the simplicity of a child's faith. Oh, how I need more of that in my life.
We went on to discuss how God tells us that he desires us to come to him with our requests.
I wonder, why then I try so hard to do it all on my own?
Today I was reminded to not limit God's possibilities and abilities. I was reminded to trust that He knows what I need and to not go to Him last after my plans and efforts have failed.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Phillipians 4:6
Much love,
There was an ambulance and several police cars. We could see a man with nice dress shoes on strapped to the stretcher inside.
I always feel so sad when we pass accidents. It amazes me how quickly things like that can happen. I was in a car accident about 10 years ago and I still can't believe how it seemed to happen in an instant. It is crazy how one second you are on your way to your destination and the next you are in an ambulance.
I said to the boys, "you know, when I pass an accident, I say a silent prayer and ask God to protect the people involved in the accident."
My oldest, Luke (8) who does not speak about his faith often with us said, "I do that too. Like when I am playing with my Legos and I can't find a piece, I pray and when I open my eyes, I find it."
I love the simplicity of a child's faith. Oh, how I need more of that in my life.
We went on to discuss how God tells us that he desires us to come to him with our requests.
I wonder, why then I try so hard to do it all on my own?
Today I was reminded to not limit God's possibilities and abilities. I was reminded to trust that He knows what I need and to not go to Him last after my plans and efforts have failed.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Phillipians 4:6
Much love,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
LEGO Easter Story
Last week, I gave a little preview of the LEGO Easter video Kevin and I were making with the boys. Our intention was to show the boys the events of Easter in a meaningful and age appropriate way. Now, I thought I had come up with the greatest invention known to man until I went to upload my video on youtube and realized that there were a ton of LEGO Easter videos.
Hee hee! Go figure!
Please feel free to repost this youtube link on your blog or FB. Thanks for watching.
*Turn your volume up a bit since the narration is a little soft.
Much Love and Happy Easter!
I'm linking up to Heather's Life Made Lovely Monday. Nothing is more lovely than the story of Jesus' ultimate act of love.
P.S. If you dig the hubby's music, you can listen to his tunes here.
Hee hee! Go figure!
Please feel free to repost this youtube link on your blog or FB. Thanks for watching.
*Turn your volume up a bit since the narration is a little soft.
Much Love and Happy Easter!
I'm linking up to Heather's Life Made Lovely Monday. Nothing is more lovely than the story of Jesus' ultimate act of love.

P.S. If you dig the hubby's music, you can listen to his tunes here.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Lego Easter Video Preview
I've been pondering how to make Easter more real and meaningful for my boys. Luke is the oldest. He's 8 and can tell you the Easter story. The other boys get the birth of Jesus and the resurrection mixed up, so one day Easter is about the resurrection and the next it is about three wise men bringing gifts to Jesus.
I think they just like the gift part.
So I thought to myself, "how can I personalize the Easter story to make it more applicable to the lives of two preschoolers and an eight year old?"
The answer was quite simple.
What do my boys love most of all?
What does mama love?
As in theatre. However, there's plenty of the other drama to go around here too.
Luke was the set designer. He skillfully built each scene lego by lego.
Daddy was the director and sound engineer. Luke and I narrated from verses from the gospels.
The other boys were able to help with costume design, props, etc. Within a few minutes they lost interest and were off to play downstairs. They are 3 and 4. I'll cut them some slack.
We are going to piece the video together this weekend and put it on youtube. Check back on Monday to see it posted and share it with your littles, friends, and family.
Until then, here's a preview:

Much love,
I think they just like the gift part.
So I thought to myself, "how can I personalize the Easter story to make it more applicable to the lives of two preschoolers and an eight year old?"
The answer was quite simple.
What do my boys love most of all?
What does mama love?
As in theatre. However, there's plenty of the other drama to go around here too.
Luke was the set designer. He skillfully built each scene lego by lego.
Daddy was the director and sound engineer. Luke and I narrated from verses from the gospels.
The other boys were able to help with costume design, props, etc. Within a few minutes they lost interest and were off to play downstairs. They are 3 and 4. I'll cut them some slack.
We are going to piece the video together this weekend and put it on youtube. Check back on Monday to see it posted and share it with your littles, friends, and family.
Until then, here's a preview:
Much love,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
real deal
There are times that I struggle with coming to God.
I feel like I need everything to be just right.
The right quiet space.
A calm spirit.
A good solid time frame.
The list goes on and on.
And when I do come before Him, I often find myself listing off a bunch of quick requests, maybe throw in something I'm thankful for, and then ask for forgiveness for having to dash.
Then I had one of those days today with my kids. Charlie was particularly tired and feisty. Yes, he made me question my sanity more than once throughout the course of the day, but there's one thing that didn't change despite Charlie's less than desirable behavior...

my love for him.
As I rested next to him at bedtime, we chatted and prayed. I thought how nice it was to have my sweet Charlie back after the rough patches earlier in the day.
It reminded me that we have a God who takes us as we are...moody, tired, or indifferent.
Like a loving mama cuddling her babe at bedtime, God just wants us to be near to Him.
We don't need to have the perfect attitude, setting, attire, or prayers. He just wants us to be real with him and to bring ourselves, just as we are, before Him.
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalm 73:28
Much love,
I feel like I need everything to be just right.
The right quiet space.
A calm spirit.
A good solid time frame.
The list goes on and on.
And when I do come before Him, I often find myself listing off a bunch of quick requests, maybe throw in something I'm thankful for, and then ask for forgiveness for having to dash.
Then I had one of those days today with my kids. Charlie was particularly tired and feisty. Yes, he made me question my sanity more than once throughout the course of the day, but there's one thing that didn't change despite Charlie's less than desirable behavior...

my love for him.
As I rested next to him at bedtime, we chatted and prayed. I thought how nice it was to have my sweet Charlie back after the rough patches earlier in the day.
It reminded me that we have a God who takes us as we are...moody, tired, or indifferent.
Like a loving mama cuddling her babe at bedtime, God just wants us to be near to Him.
We don't need to have the perfect attitude, setting, attire, or prayers. He just wants us to be real with him and to bring ourselves, just as we are, before Him.
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalm 73:28
Much love,
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