Wednesday, April 13, 2011

real deal

There are times that I struggle with coming to God.

I feel like I need everything to be just right.

The right quiet space.

A calm spirit.

A good solid time frame.

The list goes on and on.

And when I do come before Him, I often find myself listing off a bunch of quick requests, maybe throw in something I'm thankful for, and then ask for forgiveness for having to dash.

Then I had one of those days today with my kids. Charlie was particularly tired and feisty. Yes, he made me question my sanity more than once throughout the course of the day, but there's one thing that didn't change despite Charlie's less than desirable behavior...

my love for him.

As I rested next to him at bedtime, we chatted and prayed. I thought how nice it was to have my sweet Charlie back after the rough patches earlier in the day.

It reminded me that we have a God who takes us as we are...moody, tired, or indifferent.

Like a loving mama cuddling her babe at bedtime, God just wants us to be near to Him.

We don't need to have the perfect attitude, setting, attire, or prayers. He just wants us to be real with him and to bring ourselves, just as we are, before Him.

But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalm 73:28

Much love,


  1. thanks, katie. i had one of those times with God this morning. it was real and far from perfect...

  2. YES! So right on. We were just talking about that today!

  3. oh, katie!! yes!
    sometimes-too often-i don't feel "in the mood" for my quiet time with god, or in the mood to pray. after awhile, i realize that is especially when i need HIM! he always wants me and my time! no matter how i feel.

